If you want to donwload ebooks to your devices or transfer them to your e-reader, we recoomend you install Adobe Digital Editions.
Installation on your computer:
Download the free Adobe Digital Editions software to your computer. You can download it here:
The software is available for Windows and Apple.
Installation on your mobile device (smartphone or tablet):
- German and French ebooks:
Download the free PocketBook Reader app to your mobile device. You can find it in your Google Play Store for Android or in the App Store for iOS.
Download the Libby App, by Overdrive to your mobile device. You can find it in your Google Play Store for Android or in the App Store for iOS.
You can find more information on this website in “Guide”.
You have the choice between audiobooks in German, English or French.
French audiobooks are only available by streaming in your browser which requires a permanent, active internet connection. It is not possible to download the audiobook. An installation of an additional app is not necessary.
- German and English audiobooks
The audiobooks in English and German are downloadable and you can listen to them without an active Internet connection.
You can only download audiobooks in German or English on your mobile device like your phone or your tablet.
To download an audiobook in English or German, you need to install the Libby app, by Overdrive. You can find the app in the Google Play Store for Android or in the App Store for iOS.
For more information on the platforms, their mobile apps or download ebooks to your e-reader, check our platform guides.
You can find more information on this website in “Guide”.